Saturday, August 8, 2015

Trisomy 13 LIFE 2015 ♥ Families Transformed By Love

"We believe each new life is a precious miracle
and encourage growing in love
to embrace life
from conception to natural death."

Trisomy13LIFE families, through their own grief and pain, reach out to help others on this very unique journey with Trisomy 13. All these families have lived and are living with a Trisomy 13 diagnosis and the reality of how it changes lives. With Courage, Grace, and Hope they continue on. Experiencing the transformation of grief into “Thanksgiving JOY.”

This Trisomy13 Life Support group is specific to Trisomy 13.

Given a poor prenatal or at birth diagnosis of Trisomy 13, these
Families are Transforming their Grief into Thanksgiving JOY.
Blessed each day by sharing their trisomy experience and connecting with others
who share their unique life journey.